
September 2022 Update

Pictured above: Two recent photos of the homeless camp taken in September 2022.

Esperanza Community is still a work in progress as the camp renovation is taking longer than anticipated. When it is completed, there will be 200 tiny homes with a built in bed, electricity and a window air conditioner. Folks will no longer have to live in their uncomfortable tents. Every Thursday, rain or shine, the homeless express their appreciation for all that we bring: mini loaves of bread, muffins and/or cookies, apples, oranges, cat food and dog food. At various visits, we have handed out blankets, sheets, bath towels, wash cloths, socks, hats, coolers, tee shirts and jackets. They are glad to not be forgotten and the their dogs are eager to get some treats when we visit. Putting a smile on someone’s face when they are down on their luck is a terrific reward for our efforts. Thank you to my loyal bakers and all of you who have donated items. Your donations do make a difference in another’s life. Grateful for all of you. Have a good week.🤗 


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