Uncategorized – Thankful Tuesday https://thankfultuesday.org An Austin, Texas neighborhood charity that bakes and gives bread to the 183S Homeless Camp, Camp Esperanza through donations. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 00:57:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 194756267 Thankful Tuesday 2022 Wrap Up https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/08/03/thankful-tuesday-2022-wrap-up/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/08/03/thankful-tuesday-2022-wrap-up/#comments Thu, 03 Aug 2023 00:57:59 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=234 They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. These pictures show the dramatic changes that have taken place in the last few years at Esperanza Community. This transitional camp, being run by The Other Ones Foundation along with the support of charities like ours, is helping the homeless get back on their feet. This year there has been a lot of change with individual tents being replaced by tiny homes which will include a bed, a small table & chair, an air conditioner, heating element and electricity. Community bathrooms are being built, hangars were installed to serve as community gathering places with  community kitchens for non-profits to cook on site. At the end of 2022, forty homes had been installed to serve as a home for someone who previously lived in a tent.  There will be 160 more delivered at various times as the new year commences.

   A Big Thank You to all of you who have helped with every aspect of our charity to show the homeless that they are not forgotten.  I could not make the weekly delivery of bread without my 2 consistent bakers Ann L. and Mary Lou B.  So many of you have donated blankets, books, clothes, comforters,  foam coolers, goodies, magazines, sleeping bags, socks, toiletries and towel sets. I am grateful for the recent support of the Westbank Library for book and magazine donations. Last but not least, the outpouring of support for the house curtains touched my heart. To those of you who donated material, monetary donations and your time to make curtains for the tiny homes, you have made a difference. We still have a ways to go to get all the curtains completed for the remaining houses but we will get there. The smiles and appreciation I witness when the folks are given the choice to pick out their curtains is so rewarding.

   I am forever grateful for our Austin communities, all of you,  who step up and answer my call when I request items, time and money on social media sites.  You have answered the question IF NOT US, WHO?  I have learned that when communities with more resources help those with less resources, it makes for a better world.  That is why I love calling Austin my home.  Happy New Year!



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More of What To Donate https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/04/17/more-of-what-to-donate/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/04/17/more-of-what-to-donate/#comments Mon, 17 Apr 2023 03:01:06 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=211 In July 2020, we started out baking mini loaves of bread and delivering them to the camp along with bottled water and ice on Thursday morning each week.

Since January 2021, we have added a lot more to our donation list such as:

– apples+oranges

– granola bars+trail mix snacks

– dog food+Books

Toiletries (small size due to storage space)

– soap+shampoo/conditioner. 

– toothbrush+toothpaste

– disposable razor+shaving cream

– body lotion+sunscreen

– brush/comb+feminine hygiene items


– socks+blankets/comforters

– hats+gloves

– sleeping bags+tents

Only collecting a limited amount of clothing due to storage constraints and areas to display.

Portioned bags of bread with encouraging notes inside (pictured above)
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A Note About the Community + Winter Donations (2021) https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/04/17/a-note-about-the-community-winter-donations-2021/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2023/04/17/a-note-about-the-community-winter-donations-2021/#respond Mon, 17 Apr 2023 02:53:40 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=206

The Esperanza Community site began their major renovation in November 2021 that will hopefully be completed in April. They will then be able to house 200 individuals, up from the 150 that they currently have, in small houses. It will be a terrific transitional community for those who live there. Their community will have facilities like Community First – bathrooms, showers, cooking area and gathering areas.
I would like to thank all those who donated food items/coolers to socks to cat/dog food to blankets/bedding for the folks at the community: Justin S., Julie O., Abhijeet S., Lindsay G., Melissa M., Jay K.,Genevieve J., Lara G., Ann L., Ava & Addison L.  All of it was a big hit at the  camp and taken quickly.  It was appreciated more than you know.
As the winter temperatures arrive, we always welcome hat, sock and blanket donations. Thank you for your support. Have a great day!



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Volunteers Wanted! https://thankfultuesday.org/2022/06/14/volunteers-wanted/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2022/06/14/volunteers-wanted/#comments Tue, 14 Jun 2022 20:38:31 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=179 Happy summer break to all. I am looking for some middle school and high school bakers for our charity for Esperanza Community, a homeless camp in southeast Austin. If you like to bake, you can earn community service hours. You can either bake mini loaves of bread or 9×5 loaves that can be cut into thirds. Bread needs to be delivered to my house on Wednesday, any time, so that it can be delivered on Thursday morning. The campers love it and look forward to the varieties made each week and it puts a smile on their faces.  Enjoy your summer!


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February 2022 Update https://thankfultuesday.org/2022/02/24/february-update-2/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2022/02/24/february-update-2/#respond Thu, 24 Feb 2022 00:58:47 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=172

Creative Efforts by Ann L.

Every Thursday, rain or shine, the homeless express their appreciation for all that we bring: mini loaves of bread, muffins and/or cookies, apples, oranges, cat food and dog food. At various visits, we have handed out blankets, sheets, bath towels, wash cloths, socks, hats, coolers, tee shirts and jackets. They are glad to not be forgotten and the their dogs are eager to get some treats when we visit. Putting a smile on someone’s face when they are down on their luck is a terrific reward for our efforts. Thank you to my loyal bakers and all of you who have donated items. Your donations do make a difference in another’s life. Grateful for all of you. Have a good week.🤗
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Shoutout To I Support Girls Organization https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/09/21/shoutout-to-i-support-girls-organization/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/09/21/shoutout-to-i-support-girls-organization/#respond Tue, 21 Sep 2021 23:20:31 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=162
We received a generous donation from the I Support Girls Organization, a charity that gets their donations from individuals, fundraisers, and generous company sponsors. This donation included feminine items such as bras and underwear for the homeless women at Camp Esperanza. The women at the camp are SO GRATEFUL that the organization is donating feminine hygiene items.
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August Update https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/08/30/august-update/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/08/30/august-update/#respond Mon, 30 Aug 2021 01:07:15 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=160 Our charity, Thankful Tuesday, is running like a well oiled machine now that our one year anniversary has come and gone.  We have several weekly dedicated bakers (Ann, Barb, Lara, Mary Lou) and numerous West Austin residents have fulfilled requests for various items during the year such as:
Summer – sunscreen, hand sanitizer, toiletries, tee shirts, socks, dog food, dog beds, new underwear, books, cards/games, bath towels & wash cloths, monetary donations
Winter – hats, gloves, socks, sheets, pillows & pillow cases, blankets

Now that we have gotten to know many of the folks at Camp Esperanza (means hope), they are comfortable making requests that they hope we can honor. Recently, a few women asked me if I had flashlights. I thought it was an interesting request until they told me that it is dark at the camp at night and there are times when they have to find their way to the port-a-potty. Now, the request makes sense. On my way home that afternoon I stopped off at Dollar Tree in search of small flashlights. Other recent requests were for additional art sets just like the ones that were distributed last month and taken in about 5 minutes. My friend Ann (a retired art teacher) and volunteer had put together numerous kits for interested campers. Obviously, they were a big hit with those who loved art. Books are popular too. We have delivered about 1000 books in the last 6 months for the taking.
We delivered our highest weekly total of bread loaves the last week in August  – 70 minis and folks now tell us which bread varieties are their favorite. Our bakers make the variety of their choice, so we usually have different breads each week.
One thing I have learned by helping those at the camp; they don’t wake up 1 morning and say, “I want to be homeless.” With assistance, those at the camp are getting up after falling down many times. A little help goes a long way. I have gotten back much more from them than they have received from me. I look forward to seeing Eddie, Kathy, Cameron, Brian, Robert and Vanessa and others I have met at the camp each week. Smiles all around! Mattress Mack, Gallery Furniture Store owner in Houston said it best, “The essence of living is giving.” Words to live by.  Have a great day!🤗🥰


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July/August Update https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/07/07/july-august-update/ https://thankfultuesday.org/2021/07/07/july-august-update/#respond Wed, 07 Jul 2021 20:58:12 +0000 https://thankfultuesday.org/?p=156 During the months of July and August, we will be collecting gently used t-shirts and socks for the men and women at Esperanza Community Camp, as well as new underwear       (Med-XL). If you would like to donate 10$ or more towards Buy A Basket for the campers that would be great. We are providing a small basket with toiletries and feminine hygiene items. Just email info@thankfultuesday.org for a link to the Venmo. Thank you!

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